Sunday, 28 September 2008

shoe-flower ; photo manipulation


Some photo-manipulation exploring pattern, inspired by Soviet textile designs.
Meet my new shoes!! My gorgeous purple brogues, which were bought before I left for
university. I LOVE them. Especially the patent tip!
And secondly, another pair of purple shoes, this time heels with elasticated straps.
Yum yum yum.
I've got my internet back, but I'm so busy...I will try, though. Promise...


emsydo said...

woah. i'm so jealous. i want your shoes!

Anna Pope said...

The shoes are perfect, I love the purples ones so much!

Anonymous said...

ooh looovely shoes! i hope art college (uni? whatever you call it there?!) is going well. i just started today, strangely overwhelming. but as i keep being told over and over, this will apparently be the best year of my life, hope yours is headed the same way!

loveology said...

Gorgeous pairs of shoes!

i have matte grey brogues and still love them to death!


Kelsie.Lynn said...

love the shoes

yiqin; said...

Love the patterns!!! Those shoes are amazing..

Jess said...

I want the purple brogues so bad!
Very clever patterns

Kirstie Sequitin said...

trippy. awesome shoes! the patent tip is cool.

HANNAH-ZOË said...

It's so cool that you can do this i want photoshop so bad!

Vi said...

An outfit is not complete until a girl puts on a pair of shoes (:

layla angelic said...

Your blog is highly unusual. I like that. Adventures in lo-fi-land is really clever.

Anonymous said...

I miss your posts. I guess you haven't exactly been "in the mood" of late, but I thought I'd let you know your absence has not gone unnoticed!

Alice said...

NEW BLOG? whatttt?!
I've been an avid reader of yours for quite a while now. Add me? :)


Ashleigh Rose said...

Oh my, I love brogues so much. Unfortunately I live in the smallest most horrible town in the world and no shops here would even think to sell them.

Style On Track said...

Oh my gosh as I graphic design lover I adore the designs! And as a shoe lover, I am even more in love with those shoes


Kelsie.Lynn said...

i love your shoes..but i miss your posts. you have one of my favorite blogs. come write soon!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog... Are you interesting in a link exchange with my blog ?
Bottes pas cher
Marina (from France)

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