Sunday 12 July 2009


major catch up.
I really suck.
Although, to my credit, i did actually think I had swine flu. fever, nausea, dizziness...
but i'm still alive which is nice!


A very, very windy trip to brighton with my flatmates for my birthday (more photos to come...)


An amazing mug, gift from Abi (:

New pendants, feather a present half from Jack, half from me (to me) bought in Covent Garden and a green amber pendant from a market in Brighton (I also got a ring (:)

a touch of melancholy.

oh, and check out my pretty birthday candles!

I went up to a gig in London after a day at work, feeling quite poorly.

James and I had a 50mm war.

I made a massive fat ugly gross crane out of sports pages from a free news paper.

Sophie from Before I Explode

I hardly left my bed this day.

However, i did make a cushion. The colours reminded me of Yulanda!

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